Expand Store
I love the store - it enables us as streamers to give something back to our viewers.
The problem is, it is very limited at the moment, so I suggest these changes to the store:
* Allow us to set a custom !buy <item> command, instead of 1, 2 etc.
* Allow us to limit a reward to a certain amount
* Allow us to limit rewards to a certain type (eg. regulars/subs etc.)
* Allow us to allow custom text when people buy an item eg. !buy <item> <message>
* Allow us to attach an image to the store item
* Give us an overlay option, so we can show when something is bought in the store (displaying the image attached if any)
* I would like to be able to sort the purchases in the store
Thanks for reading - upvote!
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Customer support service by UserEcho
These are good ideas and something that will almost definitely happen.
A few of these features have been added:
You can set a custom purchase message https://support.botisimo.com/communities/4/topics/6-custom-response-when-user-makes-a-shop-purchase
You can set a "Quantity" on a shop item now https://support.botisimo.com/communities/4/topics/208-quantity
You can sort the shop items https://support.botisimo.com/communities/4/topics/2-sort-shop-items
Everything has been added except the image upload. I'm going to mark this as completed and table the image thing for now. Submit a separate request for the image if it's important to you so it can be tracked in its own ticket