Have a follow age command
Add a default or ability to make a custon command that shows how long someine has been following you when they input the command. Genrrally seen as !followage in other bots I have seen.

This already exists, here's how to set it up:
Name your command (ie: !followage),
then, for the response, use:
$(fetch https://2g.be/twitch/following.php?user=$(username)&channel=*********&format=mwdhms)
(replace the ************* with your actual twitch channel name)
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Customer support service by UserEcho
This already exists, here's how to set it up:
Name your command (ie: !followage),
then, for the response, use:
$(fetch https://2g.be/twitch/following.php?user=$(username)&channel=*********&format=mwdhms)
(replace the ************* with your actual twitch channel name)