Global cooldown settings for all bot commands

FightinCowboy 3 years ago updated by Support Team (Owner) 3 years ago 3

Currently a cooldown setting for commands must be applied through each individually which is quite cumbersome and counter-intuitive. Currently the bot will respond to every person that enters a command without any built in cooldown mechanism, for example, if 5 people do a !rules, the bot will spit out a rule list 5 times in a row which unintentionally spams your own chat.

My recommendation is a "Command Cooldown" setting that you can adjust in duration that limits how much time must pass before a command can be triggered again. This would be especially useful for the YouTube side of streaming where the API is a bit slower and commands have a tendency to get stacked up.

Users could still create custom cooldown directives if they want, but this would be a global setting which is more generalized ease of use.

Currently the bot will respond to every person that enters a command without any built in cooldown mechanism, for example, if 5 people do a !rules, the bot will spit out a rule list 5 times in a row which unintentionally spams your own chat.

You can make a cooldown apply to all users by using the --global flag

$[cooldown 30 --global]

This will apply 30 second cooldown to all users instead of each one individually.

Right now the only way to do this is to go in and add a 

$[cooldown 30 --global]

directive onto every already existing command. I'm talking about a general global cooldown that affects any command being called into chat immediately after it's already been called.

Yeah, completely understand. Just explaining how you can solve the spam part of your problem as it stands now.