
Offline request from mike

mike 3 years ago updated by Dartis_X-UI 3 years ago 2
feature request:
In various configuration places throughout the site, we have to pick platforms (twitch, yt, fb, etc.)
Present this in a general setting and then pull setting in as a default setting in all the other places (such as in timers, for example) as this information is now constantly being re-configured over and over again.


*moved to feature requests*

In the future, please submit entries like these to the Feature Request forum: https://support.botisimo.com/communities/4-feature-requests

Thank you,

Eric E.

Botisimo Support & Quality Assurance

this is a feature i would use - this is a good idea - still keep the existing selections as an override for those that need it while adding in a default/global option as well...