How To Cancel Your Membership

So, you've decided to cancel your Membership, huh? We get it! Whether it's money issues, or you no longer stream, or during your trial, you've just decided that Botisimo wasn't for you - whatever your reason, it's valid and we understand!

Here, we'll outline the steps it takes to cancel your Membership to make sure you aren't accidentally charged when you aren't using it.

First thing's first, you'll want to head to the Membership section of your Botisimo page:

You should see the current status of your Membership.

Image 789

First thing's first: click on the "Change Membership..." drop-down menu to bring up your Membership options.

From these options, select "Cancel".

Image 790

Now that you've got the Cancellation option selected, click the "UPDATE" button to save your changes.

Image 791

And that's basically it! Easy, right? You can use the same methods to reinstate or upgrade your Membership, should you ever choose to do so.

For more tutorials, check out our other articles on our Knowledge Base:

For questions, don't hesitate to reach out by emailing us at!

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