
Options for Setting Both Global and User Cooldown on Custom and Default Commands

gozen729 6 years ago updated by Elise A. 5 years ago 3

For both custom commands and default commands, the option to be able to set a global cooldown and a user cooldown (in seconds) on each individual command would be great.  This way either the entire chat, due to global cooldown, would not be able to call a command again until the time expires, or a specific user would not be able to call a specific command until the user cooldown has expired. 



This feature exists. I have updated the docs to include more detailed info on options available https://docs.botisimo.com/en/latest/directives/cooldown.html

Agreed we need cooldown timers for commands

$[cooldown 30 g] seems to work (the cooldown) but there is no response / feedback telling the user the command is on cooldown.


This feature exists. I have updated the docs to include more detailed info on options available https://docs.botisimo.com/en/latest/directives/cooldown.html

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