Welcome to the Botisimo feature request forum! Use this form to request features, upvote the ones you want the most, and we will make decisions based on the feedback and discussions you provide. Before requesting new features, be sure to search this forum and check out the official documentation at https://docs.botisimo.com in case the feature already exists.


Auto hosting support for mixer and twitch

Mithradatum 5 years ago updated by Support Team (Owner) 4 years ago 1 1 duplicate

The ability to have a list of streamers to automatically host on platforms directed by the bot, which can also change hosts on a time interval (I. E. Every 30 minutes regardless of online status) or when the streamer goes offline. This would be most important for Mixer, which has no feature like this at this time, and has already been implemented by Mix It Up bot. I have not seen cloud based bots implement this for mixer. 


Add Alias option to Timers

BlitzLeague 3 years ago updated by Eric E. 3 years ago 1

Add an alias option in the advanced settings of the Timers so you can link a timer to trigger a custom or default command.

This feature already exists in the custom commands, where you can have a custom command trigger another command.

I think it would be very useful for people that changes their commands frequently. This way they don't have to change the content of the custom command and then also change it in the timers.


Options for Setting Both Global and User Cooldown on Custom and Default Commands

gozen729 5 years ago updated by Elise A. 4 years ago 3

For both custom commands and default commands, the option to be able to set a global cooldown and a user cooldown (in seconds) on each individual command would be great.  This way either the entire chat, due to global cooldown, would not be able to call a command again until the time expires, or a specific user would not be able to call a specific command until the user cooldown has expired. 

Elise A. 4 years ago

This feature exists. I have updated the docs to include more detailed info on options available https://docs.botisimo.com/en/latest/directives/cooldown.html


Ability to delete a single user history on leaderboards

Swizzlerz 5 years ago updated by Support Team (Owner) 4 years ago 1

Currently you can delete the leaderboards but its an option to delete them all. please add the ability to delete a single user from leaderboards. for instance you have a loyal person then they turn roge and you want to ban them from your channel without deleting everyone's stats. would be nice just to remove the one. 

Support Team (Owner) 4 years ago

This has been added.


Add variable $(usertype)

rudenko greg 5 years ago updated by Elise A. 5 years ago 3

For select/filter user by user type (regular, subscriber, casual, moderator) add variable $(usertype)

Elise A. 5 years ago

I have added a $(usertype) variable https://botisimo.com/docs/variables


Poll Results Bar Colours

Tom 3 years ago updated by Eric E. 3 years ago 1

Is there a way on the polls to change the colour of the results bar from the slight grey it currently is to something that stands out a bit more? If it could be a colour of our own choosing that would be best.


sub-only YouTube polls

Joe Holka 4 years ago updated by Eric E. 4 years ago 2

Hey everyone,

I received a very nice and detailed response from support on this as my "subscriber permission" setting was not working as I thought was intended for LIVE youtube polls.

Support Response:

In Botisimo, the term "Subscribers" follows the naming scheme of platforms like Twitch, where you have "Followers" at the base level, and those who pay are considered "Subscribers".In the case of YouTube however, their terms are different. "Subscribers" are at the base level for following in YouTube, and "Sponsors" are those who pay to support the channel. So, in the case of Permissions in Botisimo, "Subscriber" = "Sponsor" for YouTube, and that's why your Subscribers weren't able to participate in the poll, because it was considered a "Sponsor" only poll.

So here we are.

I do think a "Follower/YouTube Subscriber" permission only option for polls would be very useful on Youtube and something no one else offers yet. For example, I do football content, and on Sunday mornings I get about 1k live viewers, my streams during the week are about 250. So being able to capture more subscribers when the hype is at it's peak (Sundays) would be very very beneficial to my growth.

Hope this is strongly considered for a future update and please keep me in the loop if at all possible.


Eric E. 4 years ago

This feature has now been added to both Polls and Giveaways. Please note: the Follower/YouTube Subscriber only option only works for Twitch and YouTube right now.

Thank you,

Eric E.

Botisimo Support & Quality Assurance


Have a follow age command

Jacob 4 years ago updated by Support Team (Owner) 3 years ago 2

Add a default or ability to make a custon command that shows how long someine has been following you when they input the command. Genrrally seen as !followage in other bots I have seen.

Support Team (Owner) 3 years ago

This already exists, here's how to set it up:
Name your command (ie: !followage), 
then, for the response, use:

$(fetch https://2g.be/twitch/following.php?user=$(username)&channel=*********&format=mwdhms)

(replace the ************* with your actual twitch channel name)


How To Regulate or Moderate Songs That People Request In My Stream

PinkVelvetToast 4 years ago updated by Support Team (Owner) 4 years ago 2

I do not mind giving everyone access to requesting songs, but unfortunately some take advantage of this and play explicit things from Youtube. How can I use Botisimo to regulate what song requests can actually go through and play on my stream??

Support Team (Owner) 4 years ago

You can limit the song requests to a specific channel. Go to the music player page and click on "Edit Song Requests". You will see a text input for "Youtube Channel ID".

You can get a YouTube channel's ID by going to one of their videos and clicking on the channel link below the video title:

You will be taken to the channel page where you can get the ID from the url:

I hope this helps!


Expand Store

Game kNight Plays 5 years ago updated by Elise A. 5 years ago 3

I love the store - it enables us as streamers to give something back to our viewers.

The problem is, it is very limited at the moment, so I suggest these changes to the store:
* Allow us to set a custom !buy <item> command, instead of 1, 2 etc.

* Allow us to limit a reward to a certain amount

* Allow us to limit rewards to a certain type (eg. regulars/subs etc.)

* Allow us to allow custom text when people buy an item eg. !buy <item> <message>
* Allow us to attach an image to the store item

* Give us an overlay option, so we can show when something is bought in the store (displaying the image attached if any)
* I would like to be able to sort the purchases in the store

Thanks for reading - upvote!