Welcome to the Botisimo feature request forum! Use this form to request features, upvote the ones you want the most, and we will make decisions based on the feedback and discussions you provide. Before requesting new features, be sure to search this forum and check out the official documentation at https://docs.botisimo.com in case the feature already exists.


Twitch Login Broken?

Papi_Pancakes 10 months ago updated by RisingPhoenixTV 10 months ago 4

I am a new user attempting to connect through Twitch.

When I attempt to do so the page doesn't load or go anywhere.  When I click refresh, it claims 'error' : "Unauthorized".

The below screenshots are from a desktop computer.

- When I click on the YouTube, Facebook, or Discord Log-In options, they load as they should as if I can login normally through those.

- I do not have and have never had a Botisimo account. 

- I am not logged into Twitch anywhere.

- I have tried this from a desktop PC, my personal laptop, and through Safari (via mobile on iPhone)

- My goal is to use Botisimo within my Lightstream overlay for Twitch.


Image 1512

Image 1513

Offline request from mike

mike 2 years ago updated by Dartis_X-UI 2 years ago 2
feature request:
In various configuration places throughout the site, we have to pick platforms (twitch, yt, fb, etc.)
Present this in a general setting and then pull setting in as a default setting in all the other places (such as in timers, for example) as this information is now constantly being re-configured over and over again.


Advanced Text customization

Fyro 2 years ago updated by Eric E. 2 years ago 1

We need the ability to adjust where text can be placed, especially for stream frame. The text can end up being blended into the background becoming illegible.

Others have requested to have the ability to adjust where the text should be placed. on regular alert overlay it can be done with custom css on OBS, but stream frame won't allow it. We need the ability to customize our text.


Add variable(s) to be able to redirect shop item/command outputs to outer connections (specified by variable)

svartpippi 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 1

I'm streaming to multiple platforms and my viewers can use the loyalty points in botisimo to shop for actions to happen on my stream depending on which shop item they buy, like switching to specific scene, activate a voice in voicemod or other things I setup, at the moment this only works for twitch viewers, as I'm using a program that only works with twitch.
But if I could from Advanced options in a shop item add a destination of the output from the !buy command or if there was a variable that would be possible to use to redirect the output to a selected output, I would be able to use it for all my viewers regardless of which platform they use.  Something similar to variable in this example : 
    "Hello $(twitch twitch)$(youtube youtube) viewers!" 
but instead it would send it to the sspecified connection.
My goal is to create the same functions/features for all platforms like one can do with twitch channel points. And Botisimo is the only bot I have found that has loyalty system and works for multiple platforms, all other only works for twitch.


Add support for Brime.tv

churrho2 3 years ago updated by Pimmal 2 years ago 1

Trovo Emotes in Chat Overlay

brodarismus 3 years ago 0

Hi there,

This is my feature suggestion for the chat overlay feature.

It would be nice, if Emotes from Trovo where shown there.

Platform emotes, event emotes and custom emotes (for example sub emotes) etc.
Note: A lot of emotes are animated, so the chat overlay feature needs support for GIF-Emotes or simliar animated emotes as well.

I add here two images:
1: The emote menu, where you can see some "basic" emotes and "trovo ace" emotes
2: That's how the overlay looks like, without emote support.
(Btw: It is awesome, that the user profile picture is in the chat overlay, too.)

Image 933

Image 934


Trovo Custom Spell Alerts

jermainc3139 3 years ago updated by Eric E. 3 years ago 1

Hello all. We on trovo have the ability to now upload our own Custom Spell to their site for user to cast. Unfortunately Botisiomo ties all the spells into one area thus making it hard to add originality to all. Can this be added in a future update? 


Jc Strife


Control timers w/ directives

Fyro 3 years ago updated by Eric E. 3 years ago 1

Would it be possible to enable and disable timers through directives? I know there's a command to create timers, but what about having a directive that can control existing timers. Enable or disable for example $[timer name enable/disable platform]

Name = name of the timer (required)

enable/disable = this would... y'know, turn the timer on or off on a platform. (required)

platform = specify which platform. Optional. If it's blank, it would be the platform it came from. Maybe have all, to disable/enable on all platforms.

This would make things alittle more easier to control when making a timed command. For example, I am trying to make a heist command which would progress over time. So I need this timer to be enabled making sure a variable is active (minimum every 5 minutes as per timers). But once the heist is over, I want this timer to be disabled automatically, thus runs the timer directive to disable the timer.


support mp4 (etc) for for $[event]

shawn butts 3 years ago updated by Eric E. 3 years ago 1

Rather than gif and audio as separate files, it would be much easy to make these as video


[Feature Request] Integration with the Twitch Channel Points API

RockNRollGeek 4 years ago 0

Request for integration with the Twitch Channel Points API ( https://blog.twitch.tv/en/2020/11/13/twitch-developer-day-2020-introducing-the-channel-points-api-eventsub-and-more/ )

Idea being to work with the built in Twitch Channel points that already exist, rather than having 2 points systems in place (botisimo and twitch) to minimize confusion/issues/etc