Welcome to the Botisimo feature request forum! Use this form to request features, upvote the ones you want the most, and we will make decisions based on the feedback and discussions you provide. Before requesting new features, be sure to search this forum and check out the official documentation at https://docs.botisimo.com in case the feature already exists.


Edit the bot's message when a user traces goldfrags

empotfilms 4 years ago updated by Support Team (Owner) 4 years ago 1

I want to request for the ability to edit how the bot relays the message when a user traces goldfrags.
Thank you! :)

Support Team (Owner) 4 years ago

You can edit the custom drop message on the dyneops page https://botisimo.com/account/dyneops 

Under Review

a way to exclude/specify words from the call command

Dartis_X-UI 4 years ago updated by Support Team (Owner) 4 years ago 2


Basically im getting revenge on dadbot lovers with even more annoying responses that are considerably more creative

For this specific issue, I would like botisimo to return a selection of pictures of hay bales every time someone says "hey" as a pun.

but if i set it to read anywhere in the message, it also registers words like THEY as HEY.

My Request

can we have a way to register only a word (such as HEY) or even exclude certain words (like THEY) - when the word specified is contained in another - while still allowing the response in global message content?


I have Idiot, More On, Moron, Oof, Pun, and more all returning a random selection of gifs, memes and one liners all called from the above words/phrases

**From Support Email:**

Thank you for reaching out! I relayed your request to our development team and here is what they told me:

"The short answer is no, it is not possible. In order to achieve this we would need to add another variable like "$(message)" so that you could check the entire message yourself using javascript."

We're always looking for ways to add to the Bot, so I suggest submitting a feature request for this variable on the feature request forum


More Overlays for Mixer Sparks and Embers

Br3zz3r 4 years ago updated by Support Team (Owner) 4 years ago 1

I stream on mixer and that overlays would be great!


Save Music Playlist

jordan4689 5 years ago updated by Elise A. 5 years ago 2

I was curious if there was a way to save a music queue so that I would not have to constantly copy and paste 50 links every time I want to stream. Is there a way to do this?

Elise A. 5 years ago

The best way to do this is to create the playlist in youtube and then add the playlist to the queue in Botisimo.


Disable users from earning currency

Loud_Lou 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 6

I have a specific Mario Maker bot that responds in chat and want to disable them from earning currency as well as a few other as they will clean up in the winnings.  Can we have the ability to disable users from earning currency?


Let Shop custom response use Arguments an dquery

Pablotq 5 years ago updated by Elise A. 5 years ago 1

It would be great if the bot could use Arguments an query on the shop custom response


Feature Request : Embed Creator

Cool Beans 5 years ago 0

Feature Request for Discord embeds and multi-page embeds.


delete all commands

Fayeit 5 years ago 0

it takes so long just to delete five commands