Welcome to the Botisimo feature request forum! Use this form to request features, upvote the ones you want the most, and we will make decisions based on the feedback and discussions you provide. Before requesting new features, be sure to search this forum and check out the official documentation at https://docs.botisimo.com in case the feature already exists.


putting your playlist on shuffle

HoodieTar 4 years ago 0

i want to be able to add songs and when im done, putting it in shuffle 


Horizontal Chat

Francisco R 4 years ago 0

Would love an option for the chat to flow/stack horizontally instead of just vertically. I was able to Frankenstein this solution in CSS properties of my Botisimo chat source in OBS, which mostly works. However this does not remove the message nodes from the DOM, only hides them.

Thank you for making this though, I am looking forward to using Botisimo more :D

body { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); overflow: hidden; }
.OverlayChat{flex-flow: row;}
.Overlay .message{margin-right: .75em;}
@keyframes messageFadeOut{
	0%{margin-right: .75em; opacity: 1; width: auto; overflow: visible;}
	99%{margin-right: .75em; opacity: 0; width: auto; overflow: visible;}
	100%{margin-right: 0; opacity: 0; width: 0; overflow: hidden;}

bug report and feature request

Daddy Madu 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 0

dear team,

good day!
awesome work you have done here, really appreciate the effort,

first i want to use your developed overlay in my stream  but it's still under development for sure.

what stopping me is for facebook follow notification it should be same with twitch and youtube but you instead but likes your Facebook live stream, and for facebook it's never gonna stop as likes will be alot more than follows x200, likes should have it's own tab.

overlay has discord to choose audio channel to show in overlay, we need an option to disable it.

this was the bug reported, 

short term  feature to be add

- feature request twitch has bit system and YouTube has a super chat

facebook has stars system works the same, if it's possible we need it integrated also.

- facebook gaming also has chain similar to hosts if it can be integrated 

long term (not rushed)

- bits, stars donations needs to have some 3 variations for notifications 

is donor sends x amount then play x music, and if donated xx amount play xx music notification 

- CSS customization support for overlay notification (like/follow/subiscribe/bits/donation/hosts)

thanks again finally we found a bot that can rule all platforms!


Followers profile

ParisLiveProxy 4 years ago 0

Add "Followers" in Minimum Permission droplist for polls and commands.

(people who followed on Twitch, subscribed for free on Youtube and liked on Facebook)

Add "vote multiplier" in polls settings for Regulars, Followers & Subscribers.


New platform

ashmmac92 4 years ago updated by Support Team (Owner) 4 years ago 2

There is a new streaming platform on the rise. It is called Trovo. 

currently there is no chat bots that connect to trovo.

can you add trovo to future platforms? 

many streamers from mixer have moved to trovo 

Support Team (Owner) 4 years ago

We have added support for Trovo!


Thank Users for Hearts on Facebook

TKDxGaming 4 years ago 0

If just like for Twitch, 

Thank You For Bits

if It Could Be Thanks for the Hearts. Ex "Thanks $(Username) for the Hearts!! or Thanks $(Username) for the $(amount) of hearts. 

You Guys Are Awesome!!

Thanks Again


leaderboard per channel

timmee 4 years ago 0

could we have a leaderboard per channel please? we already have seperate ranking systems (one in each of our youtube channels), but there is no separate public leaderboard for the second youtube channel.



Matheus Renovato 4 years ago 0

Se possível, poderiam acrescentar uma opção, onde podemos colocar Usuários que não queremos que participem do ranking do canal. Por exemplo, eu sou o streamer, e ainda assim eu apareço no ranking, e como eu sempre assisto a minha live, eu sempre estarei em primeiro lugar, e isso atrapalha na organização do ranking. Isso também vale para qualquer user que eu não queira que esteja no ranking. Ter uma opção onde eu possa colocar quem eu quero que não participe seria perfeito.


SUBS ganharem o dobro de Coins

Matheus Renovato 4 years ago 0

Se possivel colocar uma opção para ativar o ganho de mais moedas do canal, para quem é SUB. Por exemplo, eu quero ativar que SUBs ganham um  quantidade diferente de moedas por MINUTO, ter essa opção, no mesmo local, onde coloco quanto ganha todos em geral.


DynOps time delay adjustment YouTube

OpsMan 4 years ago updated by Support Team (Owner) 4 years ago 6

I would like to request a feature to extend the timer for DyneOps, especially for the YouTube bot since it is known to be slower than the others.

Problem as reported to support is there is too much of a delay when using YouTube to stream. 10 seconds is not enough, most users with the delay between YouTube and Botisimo can not get the rewards. Mostly takes 23 seconds according to the bot. Very frustrating for my users and they love the feature because I use rewards to be able to play with me live once they reach a certain number of points.

Solution would be a slider or time adjustment. It currently gives 5 minutes to type start but 10 seconds to answer when it shows the message. Could we have a simple adjustment where we can enter a different amount for each one.

I hope this can be done.

Support Team (Owner) 4 years ago

Here's what we can do, we exposed the settings for start seconds and decrypt seconds: