Welcome to the Botisimo feature request forum! Use this form to request features, upvote the ones you want the most, and we will make decisions based on the feedback and discussions you provide. Before requesting new features, be sure to search this forum and check out the official documentation at https://docs.botisimo.com in case the feature already exists.


DyneOps in multiple languages

Wilmer Sarmiento 3 years ago updated by Eric E. 3 years ago 1

Good morning i start to stream on trovo and my viewers really love the DyneOps but they don't speak englush so i suggest maybe be able to translate the game in different languages, what do you think? is a good idea? at least for me and my viewers it would be nice :D 


Offline request from Michal

Michal 3 years ago updated by Eric E. 3 years ago 0
Subject: Suggestion for a fix / new option for polls.

Hello. I would like to offer you the implementation of several surveys at the same time. I mean, you could create, for example, a survey for users only with Twitch or only for Discord users.

Below is an example:

Survey A (for Twitch)
Anketa B (for Discord)

and both active at the same time.

Currently, when a new one is created, the previous one is stopped, even though the previous one was not connected to e.g. Twitch. It's a bit weak, because I can't do a separate survey for my Discord viewers and a separate one for those who are on Twitch.

I hope you will improve your polls, because I must admit that despite this disadvantage, they are well done and you have a bot well done.

stop the music from starting over while switching screens using lightstream

Dxrrienz 3 years ago 0

it would be cool if while playing music from youtube or soundcloud using botisimo that the song won't restart from switching screens using lightstream


Add new functions

Michał 3 years ago 0

1. No more moderation over viewer added tracks.

It is not possible to verify the added links with the songs.

2. There is no chat window so that you can more conveniently configure the bot's more advanced options, eg with the draw function. Just add a chat window.


add the profile pictures of the users who bought in the shop

empotfilmsemail 3 years ago 0

Kindly add the profile pictures of the users who bought in the shop too.

I give hearts to users as rewards or refunds to those who bought in the shop.

There are some users who buy stuff in the shop with the same username.

Having profile pictures in the shop would help in knowing who exactly bought it.

So I can refund or reward the right user.

Thanks! :slight_smile:


Global cooldown settings for all bot commands

FightinCowboy 3 years ago updated by Support Team (Owner) 3 years ago 3

Currently a cooldown setting for commands must be applied through each individually which is quite cumbersome and counter-intuitive. Currently the bot will respond to every person that enters a command without any built in cooldown mechanism, for example, if 5 people do a !rules, the bot will spit out a rule list 5 times in a row which unintentionally spams your own chat.

My recommendation is a "Command Cooldown" setting that you can adjust in duration that limits how much time must pass before a command can be triggered again. This would be especially useful for the YouTube side of streaming where the API is a bit slower and commands have a tendency to get stacked up.

Users could still create custom cooldown directives if they want, but this would be a global setting which is more generalized ease of use.


add a shuffle option so you can shuffle your songs

robertmc8383 3 years ago 0

add a shuffle option so you can shuffle your songs


Polls: [ACCESSABILITY FEATURE] Add Option for Chat announce when poll starts, including instructions on how to vote.

Josh Bell 3 years ago updated by Eric E. 3 years ago 1

I would love to have the chat bot announce when a poll starts in chat, and including the instructions on how to vote in the chat. The visual overlay is nice, but for those with screen readers it would be beneficial to have the bot announce the open and closing of the poll and include instructions on how to interface with it in text. The Twitch bot at poll.ma.pe does this behavior if you want to look at how it works (it's an option you check to have it announce at poll start). Thank you for your consideration.


Donation in different currency

cesar_de_luna 4 years ago updated by Cesar de Luna 3 years ago 1

Dear Sirs,

I would be grateful if donations could be made in EUR.

Do you think it is possible to implement this?

Many thanks in advance