Welcome to the Botisimo feature request forum! Use this form to request features, upvote the ones you want the most, and we will make decisions based on the feedback and discussions you provide. Before requesting new features, be sure to search this forum and check out the official documentation at https://docs.botisimo.com in case the feature already exists.



TakenVaullt 5 years ago updated by Elise A. 5 years ago 1

In the shop, it would be cool if there was an option to redeem an item a certain amount of times.

For example, if I had 25 codes for a game to giveaway but wanted to add it as an item in the shop, I could set it to where it can only be redeemed 25 times.

Elise A. 5 years ago

You can now set a quantity on a shop item. The number will be decreased when a user purchases the item. Set the quantity to -1 for unlimited.


Google Home Skill Support

🦖 KensonPlays 🦕 5 years ago 0

You have an Alexa Skill support integration, why not Google Home? I do not own an Alexa, but I do own an Google Home. You could have it respond to the same commands except change "Alexa" to "OK Google" or something.


[Queue] Join Permissions by Role

ExemplaryMe 5 years ago updated by Elise A. 5 years ago 2

Ability to create a queue and set permissions on it for users who can join.

i.e !setqueue regulars and only regulars or higher can join, !setqueue subscribers, only subscribers can join, etc

Elise A. 5 years ago

You can set minimum permission for the queue now with `!queue permission` command https://botisimo.com/docs/queue#permission 


A setting that allows the !title and !game commands to be used for multiple platforms at once.

SuperLisa 5 years ago updated by Elise A. 5 years ago 1

Current situation: we have to use !title to set the title individually for Twitch, Mixer, etc. Same goes for the !game command.
Requested: to be able to use the commands on one platform to set the title/game on all connected platforms at once.


Less spammy Timers

eXtreameGamer2 5 years ago updated by Elise A. 5 years ago 2

Can there be a option to be added where with the timers can only be sent one at a time. So instead of a timer system, there can be a check mark saying "only send one message every # minutes" The current timers seem for me it is very spammy. I believe this will make the timers more spread out and won't fill up the chat as bad. 

Elise A. 5 years ago

Hey @eXtreameGamer2! You will be happy to know there is already a solution to this. I have created a knowledge base article describing how to make a rotating timer that will post a different message each time. Check it out here: https://support.botisimo.com/knowledge-bases/5/articles/24-how-to-rotate-timer-messages-in-a-single-timer


Add more settings to built-in commands

Elise A. 5 years ago 0

Currently I can set the minimum permission for all the built-in commands. It would be nice if there were more options like "Respond with Direct Message" or "Platforms".


Support issuing mixer chat commands via the bot

Elise A. 5 years ago 0

Currently Botisimo cannot do things like "/host" or "/me". It would be nice if it could.


Bulk insert shop items

Elise A. 5 years ago 0

It would be amazing if I could upload a CSV or similar file to my shop so that I didn't have to add shop items one by one.


Add ability to reset currency and/or set a max amount

Elise A. 5 years ago 0

I currently have some viewers who have been watching me long enough, they could purchase everything in my shop and still have a ton of chat currency leftover.

Thus, it would be useful to have the ability to reset the chat currency at will and/or on a timed interval. It would also be useful to have the ability to set a maximum amount of currency a single viewer can accumulate.


Ignore users from leaderboard

Elise A. 5 years ago 0

Currently it shows all users on the leaderboard. It would be nice if I could ignore some users (like moderators) on the leaderboard but not completely ignore them for the whole bot.