Welcome to the Botisimo feature request forum! Use this form to request features, upvote the ones you want the most, and we will make decisions based on the feedback and discussions you provide. Before requesting new features, be sure to search this forum and check out the official documentation at https://docs.botisimo.com in case the feature already exists.


Gostaria de saber como posso acrescentar o comando de roleta para q o chat ganhe pontos do canal e de baus, tipo bau bronze bau lendario bau prata e cada um com pontos aleatorios!

TrovoFuriakill 3 years ago 0

Eu posso acrescentar o comando de roleta para qo chat ganhe pontos do canal e de baus, tipo bau bronze bau lendário bau prata e cada um com pontos aleatórios!



Kenshin 3 years ago updated by Eric E. 3 years ago 1

Please put the function so we can choose in what position the items will be in the store!


giveaway winner alert

Fyro 3 years ago updated by Eric E. 3 years ago 1

When we do !giveaway winner, there's no way to add an alert. We only get a message in the chat saying x is the winner. I'd like the ability to add custom alerts to the giveaway using directives.

Also in the same note, the ability to add directives in the custom entry message when someone types !enter.


Chat commands that trigger special filters / popup media on OBS

wycoconutgaming 3 years ago updated by Eric E. 3 years ago 1

Let our audience send chat commands like !disco to trigger flashing lights on our video stream, or a hotkeytrigger that replay last video clip.


Please by function in the store to arrange the items for us!

Kenshin 3 years ago updated by Eric E. 3 years ago 1

Por favor, por favor, por favor, na loja para organizar os itens para nós!


How to add followage command in trovo?

NotDiegol 3 years ago 0

what the command to add followage in trovo ?


Web App/App

AceGamerNA 3 years ago updated by Eric E. 3 years ago 1


I would like to see some sort of app or integration with OBS/Streamlabs Desktop. I want to be able to have my dashboard available while streaming without having a complete separate browser window open at all times. It could be something as simple as a Web App, or something that can easily integrate into OBS.

My only issue with using a URL dock in OBS is that it does not save the Username and Password of the site being entered meaning I have to enter it each time. Streamlabs Desktop probably wouldn't be as easy to implement. 

So, if possible, I would love to see either some sort of OBS integration, or a Web App for a QoL change.



Alert file types

AceGamerNA 3 years ago updated by Eric E. 3 years ago 3


I would like to see different file formats for the alerts, such as being able to use WEBM or something similar as that's the format I use for my animated alerts. If there's a format that is already supported aside from static images please let me know, otherwise it would be nice to be able to have animated alerts.



average poll

Manné 3 years ago updated by Eric E. 3 years ago 1


is it possible to add an average poll ?

In my chat i ask to my community for rating thine in scale off 1 to 10 , so i made a poll with 10 answer, and i manualy get the average vote of the chat.

Do you think is gona be a feature to do it soon ?

Thank you


Get the overlay raw data from GET url

Manné 3 years ago 0


I want to know if there is a way to ge the raw data of an overlay.

because i wan't my  stream chat interract with my website.

like i got a poll, and on my website i have live feed of the poll result vote with a custom ui interface, and not the embed poll design from botisimo.

I don't want alll the feature arround botisimo overlay, i just wan't the data and i manage how i display and where.

Do you know if there is a way to achieve that ?

I try to load an iframe of the overlay, then run a js script to read the data from the iframe. But i'm stuck from the CORS error (cross domaine error) if you know what i mean.

thank you all !
