Welcome to the Botisimo feature request forum! Use this form to request features, upvote the ones you want the most, and we will make decisions based on the feedback and discussions you provide. Before requesting new features, be sure to search this forum and check out the official documentation at https://docs.botisimo.com in case the feature already exists.



SWAschattenwolf 3 years ago 0

The High Score Tees website is broken. You can not open a store on the site. I have made three attempts now to open a store and the site still says that the account I created is not valid.


Spending points to contribute to a goal

binaryatlas 3 years ago updated by Eric E. 3 years ago 1

I would love to see a way to have user contribute to a goal. Say I wanted to do a giveaway but users had to contribute 50k in loyalty points. Users could all contribute to the overall goal.


Feedback and suggestion regarding the new public page UI

Code 3 years ago updated by Eric E. 3 years ago 1

I noticed that with the new public page, the 'commands' section is hidden under a dropdown. It would be nice to not have it hidden.

I liked the old UI because it showed all the categories in a clean way and was simpler to navigate.

It Would be nice to have it replicated for the new version and making navigations much easier. 

Old UI

Image 847

vs New UI

Image 848


Dicas para comandos do bot de pontos!

Kenshin 3 years ago updated by Eric E. 3 years ago 1

Teria como vocês colocarem !enter max? Para todos comprarem todos os tickets de entrada para o sorteio? E outro comando, O addpoints all para adicionar pontos para todos da live em tempo real e também addpoints para uma pessoa só.

Would you like to put !enter max? For everyone to buy all entry tickets to the draw? And another command, O addpoints all to add points for everyone in live live and also addpoints for one person only.

Dicas para vocês!

Kenshin 3 years ago updated by Eric E. 3 years ago 1

A loja é ótima! Tem alguns detalhes que vocês poderiam mecher... Tipo quando puxamos 1 item da loja tem que puxar todo para ficar no local a onde querermos, tem como vocês colocados para escolher o local para eles fixo ficarem? Tem como criar uma aba de cada tipo de itens resgataveis?

The store is great! There are some details that you could change... Like when we pull 1 item from the store, we have to pull all of them to be in the place we want, is there how you placed them to choose the fixed location for them to stay? Is there a way to create a tab for each type of redeemable items?

Opção de comprar itens da loja de pontos diretamente na loja e nao pelo chat da live

Ronny Lamounier 3 years ago updated by Eric E. 3 years ago 2

Vocês poderiam liberar uma opção de comprar os itens da loja de pontos diretamente pela loja e nao pelo chat. Pois seria mais prático. Como exemplo na imagem abaixo.

Image 825

You could open up an option to buy items from the points store directly through the store and not through chat. It would be more practical. As an example in the image below.

Opção de colocar imagem do item da loja de prêmios por pontos

Ronny Lamounier 3 years ago updated by Eric E. 3 years ago 3

Vocês podem disponibilizar uma opção de colocar imagem do item nas lojas de pontos, seria bem mais interessante e atrativo para nossos seguidores e streamers da Trovo

Image 824

You can provide an option to put image of the item in points stores, it would be much more interesting and attractive to our followers and streamers of Trovo

[Feature Request] Advanced option for Timers/Commands that only allows them to run when streamer is online/offline

RockNRollGeek 3 years ago updated by Eric E. 3 years ago 1

It would be nice if there was an advanced option for Timers and Commands to explicitly limit them to only being able to run if the streamer is offline or online. 

 - Potential use cases: - 
Streamer wants a timer that displays a message that acknowledges the streamer is offline and invites those lurking offline in chat to join them on discord and gives the invite link.

Company or Streamer has commands or timers with specific information they only want running/displaying when streamer has gone live, but not after they've gone offline.

Edit: appears something similar was also requested a couple years ago:


como hacer para que de la bienvenida en español?

Maxux 3 years ago 0

Como configurar que de la bienvenida en español a cada usuario que se conecta


Integration with Touch Portal and maybe Instructbot

Code 3 years ago updated by Eric E. 3 years ago 1

Being able to activate buttons/events on Touch Portal or controlling the game with Instructbot through the loyalty store would be great. I have been enjoying the cross-platform store and currently have a work-around setup for the redeems on the loyalty store. It would make things a lot easier if there was a plugin/integration with Touch Portal.