Welcome to the Botisimo feature request forum! Use this form to request features, upvote the ones you want the most, and we will make decisions based on the feedback and discussions you provide. Before requesting new features, be sure to search this forum and check out the official documentation at https://docs.botisimo.com in case the feature already exists.


MixCloud Support

music 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 1

Please add suport for MixCloud Streaming platform. We dj love to be able to multi-stream and multi-chat,  but our favourite platform, MixCloud, ha sNONE chatbot. I would be the firs tnad the best for sure.

Thansk a lot in advanc efor considering it ^^



Loyalty Points Groups // Easier UI

brodarismus 2 years ago 0

The Loyalty Points system is a great way to gain more interaction during a stream.

It would be nice, if you could move the items in the shop list better, instead of that arrow thing.
I would recommend a "dragging" option, to sort them quicklier.

In the added image, you can see what I mean with the "arrow thing". If you have lots of loyalty shop items, it's going to be really clunky.

Image 1098


Viewing what a Count is at

adam_sturman 2 years ago 0

Hey. I'm trying to move over my bot commands from Streamelements to Botisimo, and I had a bunch of commands for my Death Counter I'm struggling to recreate here.

I had a deathadd command, that added a death to the count, a deathreset command that reset the death count, and a death command that showed how many deaths I had so far.

I've worked out how to make a count using $(count), and reset that with !command reset, but I can not find a way of just showing where the counter is at in chat.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


dyneops maximum currency earned congratulations message

Dartis_X-UI 2 years ago 0

i tried and failed to make this command using another (botisimo responds to it, but it wont respond to botisimo - and yes i understand the problem of having bots responding to each other) so would love to have a built in congratulations message for getting a perfect earned currency message - perferrably customisable

if this is possible, id also love to be able to add a "we were on the verge of greatness, we were this close" style meme message if you get 1 currency less than a perfect score

dont know if this is possible, or if others would be interested, but if so, this could also be extended to tracing currency in chat as well...


Hellglaive Decryption Chip

Dartis_X-UI 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 1

im told in help channel that Helglaive Decryption Chips do not currently have a use

as a suggestion, how about having them have 2 features

1 - all the previous abilities of the first three levels of Decryption Chips (subtract a number of the dyne, add a second to your time, cant remember the third one)

2 - also, to go along with the Hell theme of their name, giving them a ratio say 3:1 or 25% chance (dont really care about the actual ratio if others want it to be less or more) for the opposite of the first three levels of Decryption Chips to happen (add a number to your dyne, subtract a second from your time, etc); mabe stated in a big "Your Hellglaive Backfired!" or "Your Hellglaive took on its true form!" message


Offline request from mike

mike 2 years ago updated by Erik 2 years ago 1
Chat overlay feature requests

1. to be able to set a right margin or, better, display chatbox boundaries (800x600) and have word wrap respect those boundaries regardless of font size.

2. bg color should be applied per message s.t. there's a small 2px or so gap between messages and this fades out with the message. Not color the entire bg of the box. (that was just lazy, man, and ugly.)

3. option to display timestamps

4. option to configure number of chat messages visible at once (iow - I have no idea what the height boundary of my box should be.)

5. recommended geometry setting size for the web browser container.


Offline request from mike

mike 2 years ago updated by Eric E. 2 years ago 1

Would like the ability to edit links on Manage->creatorSite->Links that's not a "delete-create" dual-destructive operation. Please. Update is so much more performant and less likely to fail


Opção de ganho de pontos para quem manda elixir, manas e quem vira assinante.

esram alves 2 years ago 0

trovo tera mudanças no seu programa de parceria ^trovo500^  tendo como base as doaçoes feita na live, como doaçao de elixir e assinantes. seria muito importante uma ferramenta para incentivar tais doaçoes. 


Quoting a bot from Trovo, and ignoring the same bot from Twitch

Kir_Lucky 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 0

Good afternoon, I ran into a problem: for some reason botisimo copies streamelement s bot messages from Trovo to Twitch and at the same time ignores the same streamelements messages from twitch to trovo. I need the botisimo bot to ignore and not forward messages from other bots - how to achieve this on both channels?


Facebook/Twitch to Trovo Chat

thekingdmedia 3 years ago 0

Using multi-stream, I like to have my comments feeding through to other platforms, but I feel the "[facebook] *Insert text here* is a bit bulky, and the repeated botismo might flag for spam - any idea how to get this better/nicer?