Welcome to the Botisimo feature request forum! Use this form to request features, upvote the ones you want the most, and we will make decisions based on the feedback and discussions you provide. Before requesting new features, be sure to search this forum and check out the official documentation at https://docs.botisimo.com in case the feature already exists.


Announce giveaways in chat

Elise A. 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 3

Currently when I create a giveaway it does not show in chat. It would be nice if it announced the giveaway in chat


Custom response when user makes a shop purchase

Elise A. 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 1

Currently there is no way to customize the shop purchase message in chat. It would be nice to be able to customize it.

Elise A. 5 years ago

You can now customize the message that sends when a user makes a shop purchase.

Special variables:

will output the item name

$(price) will output the price and currency units, ex: "250 Points"


how to sign up???

vick_54319 10 months ago 0

Your site is not letting me sign up


Sponsorship command

lazyone 10 months ago 0

actually it exist a timer with a visual overlay, but if im talking about it cant i have a command to show the links so the people can go there and dont wait for the timer? XD, i know i can make one but if the command could automatically change for every new sponsorship avaleably it would be great


delete user

clay4fun718 11 months ago 0

I have duplicate users on FB when the new UI went in from FB, now cant link YT to fb user with 2 of the same name... any way to add a delete user...


No response from Account Manager - payment needed

joseph 12 months ago updated 12 months ago 1

Been over a month and a half without communication and we have a few payments to be made. I'm honestly just looking for an update at this point since no information/communication is unacceptable. Business happens but AP shouldn't be left untouched...?


ok its now the 26th of this month and i have still not received my payment that still says open i got paid all the other times why are you holding my money please release the funds to my paypal im over due being owed and yall sure want that 10 dollars ev

jameshoover586 12 months ago updated 12 months ago 4

ok its now the 26th of this month and i have still not received my payment that still says open i got paid all the other times why are you holding my money please release the funds to my paypal im over due being owed and yall sure want that 10 dollars every month ont the dot well i want my streaming money i made so once again please release my 70$ payment im owed its well over due the time for payment so i need yall to fix this i NEED my money soooo please release my funds to my paypal on the account. Soon im gunna go on strike and get others striking and not run ads until i get paid for this. I meant this is ridiculous i shouldn't have to contact you about the money thats been over due to be paid to me please release my funds to my paypal. this is going too far.!!!! im soon to put you on blast and tell everyone live not to go thru yall.... LAST TIME PAY ME MY MONEY!!!!!!!!


Cant add the kick connection?

hot_kokokito7 12 months ago 0

The checkmark shows at the end of the box but when I try to continue, it does nothing and doesnt add my kick to my connections. Anyone know how to fix it?


give the ability for other viewers to give their loyalty points to others in chat

conquer you 1 year ago 0

for viewers who have earned alot of loyalty points to have ability to give to another  person in chat


cancellation of payments

snupild 1 year ago 0

Good afternoon, why are my payments from advertising canceled?