Welcome to the Botisimo feature request forum! Use this form to request features, upvote the ones you want the most, and we will make decisions based on the feedback and discussions you provide. Before requesting new features, be sure to search this forum and check out the official documentation at https://docs.botisimo.com in case the feature already exists.


Offline request from Will

UrLocalGuru 1 year ago updated by jameshoover586 12 months ago 3
Could you guys offer a Combine Overlay similar to Rotate but instead of cycling through it would just display all overlays rendered at once in a single master overlay. Even just within the Botismo environment I could be running 8 overlays for the functionality built into your system.. much less if I am pulling anything additional from another overlay provider. Each overlay causes OBS to run a separate browser instance which after even just a few can start causing performance issues.

Ability to update cache values

Fyro 2 years ago 0

I would like the ability to have a value updated in a cache variable during a chain delay. I have mini games I want to make that can be run through 1 executed command. However, the delay/chain combo brings limitations. 

When a cache variable is created it remains that way and will not update if any changes happen during a delay. I would like a dynamic type of cache variable where if something changes during a delay, it will reflect it. For example:

I have two commands: !raffle and !join

!raffle contains the following:

Begins Raffle! $[cache raffle 10 1]

$[chain] $[delay 10]

Winner is ... who...? $(cache raffleList)


!join contains the following:

$(js (function() {

if(`$(cache raffle)` == ``){
return `There is currently no raffle.`;

var l = [ ];
if(`$(cache raffleList)` != ``){
l = JSON.parse(`$(cache raffleList)`);


for(var i = 0; i < l.length; i++ ){
if(l[i] == `$(username)`){
return `$(username), you're already in the Current Raffle!`;

l = JSON.stringify(l);
return `$[cache raffleList 12 ${l}]$(username), you're added to the Current Raffle! ${l} `;



Because $(cache raffleList) is empty in the beginning in !raffle command, it will not update at the end of the chain/delay, doesn't matter how many type !join. I would like to have this ability.


Facebook Stars

Andrew Wilson-Slight 2 years ago 0

Can we have the chatbot responce to stars added please. As that serves as the donations on that platform.

e.g. "Thank you for the $(amount) stars $(userame)"

Or is it botismo doesn't recive that information as there doesn't seem to be any chat bot responces for facebook follows currently


Feature Request: Add Discord Channel To Multi Chat Overlay

kevin green 2 years ago 0

It would be great if the Discord channel selected also showed in the multi chat overlay. Thanks!


Opção de pontos para quem manda elixir, manas e quem vira assinante

Ronny Lamounier 2 years ago 0

Olá, tenho uma outra ideia bem interessante que agregaria muito ao sistema de pontos! 

1.Vocês poderiam disponibilizar opção de configurar pontos para quem mandar presentes como Elixir e Manas na trovo live. 2. Também poderiam liberar sistema de pontos para quem vira assinante. 

3. Inserir botão de compra em cada item da loja

4. Inserir opção de quando alguém comprar algum presente na loja, ele preencha um questionário para entrarmos em contato.

5. Opção para retirar qualquer quantidade de pontos, ao invés de resetar todos os pontos.

Espero que acrescentem essas opções, pois para mim que é streamer, é o que falta para melhorar ainda mais o sistema da loja e de pontos.


Command to redirect messages to Discord

Croft 3 years ago 0

Anyone knows if is possible to create a command where a person can type a message/code and that specific message is redirected to Discord one of the channels that have been given permission to receive any of those messages? I do Mario Maker streams and a lot of people add their Course Codes what I sometimes lose track and having a command that people use and add their codes while on the stream would be awesome. If anyone knows any, please let me know. Thank you


Offline request from Marko

Marko 3 years ago updated by Eric E. 3 years ago 1
I want to let you know that Botisimo is amazing.

Make it MORE amazing by adding DONATION alerts which support VARIATIONS (different GIF+sound with different donation amount).

That is the ONLY feature missing so that I can fully switch from streamLabs to Botisimo.

Send x messages before using command

Fyro 3 years ago 0

I'd like a new throttle option/directive for custom commands. A user needs to have x posts between messages to be able to use a command. This could encourage interacting with the streamer. Or spam, but we can just ban people for it. :p


Suggestion for Loyalty System

g rubensmelo 3 years ago updated by Eric E. 3 years ago 2

Loyalty System for Trovo Live

The reason for my contact is related to the implementation of extra points for those who send "Mana" and/or "Elixir".

- Example for Elixir: When sending 10 elixir, it would be gaining half the score, always raised to the top as in the case of 5 elixir = 2.5 points raised to 3 points.

- Example for Mana: When sending 100 mana, it would be receiving the equivalent of 1 point for every 100 mana.


More Platforms

Gabriel Toth 3 years ago updated by Byron 2 years ago 2

I'm delighted that our community has a single bot for multiple platforms, so I'd like to suggest a few more.



Facebook Group Livestream

Facebook Private Profile Livestream




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