Welcome to the Botisimo feature request forum! Use this form to request features, upvote the ones you want the most, and we will make decisions based on the feedback and discussions you provide. Before requesting new features, be sure to search this forum and check out the official documentation at https://docs.botisimo.com in case the feature already exists.


Tweet when going live customization

Power DF 4 years ago 0

Hi I’m a YouTube streamer who uses botismo. I love the option to automatically tweet when I go live but it lacks customization as it only has one canned message everytime I go live. Could you add the option to add maybe 3-5 messages go live I could rotate through so it doesn’t say the exact same message every time.


adding points in chat

Alec Opatow 4 years ago 0

is there a way to reward people points with a command in chat and it responds?


Adding different user level names as reward

OpsMan 4 years ago 0

I would love the ability to add different user level names. We currently have everyone and regular.

I want the ability to reward users with different levels. I understand this could be confusing for shop etc but maybe just being able to give them a special name is enough and not affect anything else.


Chat warrior

Game freak etc etc etc.

I have users that have already been in chat for over 50 hours and no way to reward them.

I hope people vote for this.



Matheus Renovato 4 years ago 0

Bom dia, gostaria de indicar, que seria incrivel e deixaria o botisimo mais completo ainda. Poderia ter a opção de criar e editar nomes para o Levels. Por exemplo, um viewer chegou ao level 10, poderia ter opcao de nomear a galera que esta no nivel 10 como "Magos", nivel 11 clerigos, e assim por diante. Ter a opcao para editar e dar nomes para os niveis, aumentando a interacao e incentivando ainda mais a galera a assistir a live. 



Matheus Renovato 4 years ago updated by Support Team (Owner) 4 years ago 1

Poderiam acrescentar o possivel reset opcional somente de levels, separado da moeda do canal. Por exemplo, eu faço rank mensal de level, mas a Moeda eu nao quero resetar, pois usam na loja. Entao eu só preciso resetar os levels, e nao existe essa possibilidade, poderiam acrescentar.

Support Team (Owner) 4 years ago
They could add the possible optional reset only of levels, separate from the channel currency. For example, I do monthly level rank, but the currency I don't want to reset, because they use it in the store. So I just need to reset the levels, and there is no possibility, they could add.

We have updated it to support resetting specific stats. Please use this feature with extreme caution. It cannot be reversed.


If possible, link Botisimo and Twitch Channel Points

zFeets 5 years ago 0

If Twitch exposes the API for it, it would be nice for Botisimo to allow/disallow users from being able to use certain commands based on their Twitch Channel Points.


Commands Usable when the stream is live or offline

TakenVaullt 5 years ago updated by Fyro 3 years ago 1

When it comes to Twitch, Mixer and YouTube anyways, it would be nice if you could set commands to work when the stream is either online or offline. I think this would be nice too have for those commands that are made for when the stream is live or not live.


Add option to whisper command info

Bazooge 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 0

Whenever you type !command info !anycommand it shows the code of the command in the chat. The problem with this is when a command has a private token that can be seen in the URL. You guys literally said in all bold to keep the token a secret for the quote system, but when you look at command info it broadcasts it to the chat. Why is it not whispered to you by default? Could you at least add the option to turn on whisper?


Add spam prevention for the Twitch.Center Quote System

Bazooge 5 years ago updated by Elise A. 5 years ago 3 1 duplicate

I noticed an issue with the Twitch.Center quote system and apparently Botisimo IP got banned from their servers because of a user spamming it. He removed your IP from the blacklist for now, but there's nothing stopping someone from getting it auto added again. I asked what he does if someone with Nightbot spams, and he informed my Nightbot had their own spam protection, meaning Nightbot would never run into that situation to begin with. Can you add a similar spam prevention so I can continue to use the quote system through Botisimo. I don't want to have to use Nightbot just for that quote API.



Matheus Renovato 5 years ago 0

I believe they could add so that you can ignore users to not participate in the leaderboard. For example, I'm the streamer, I don't want my account to appear in the ranking so as not to confuse the chat guys. It would be an exceptional function, and would help a lot, to be able to remove MODS and Streamer from the rankings, or anyone else who does not want, or cannot participate.