Welcome to the Botisimo feature request forum! Use this form to request features, upvote the ones you want the most, and we will make decisions based on the feedback and discussions you provide. Before requesting new features, be sure to search this forum and check out the official documentation at https://docs.botisimo.com in case the feature already exists.


Link trovo to discord to add/remove suscriber role

Juanjo 3 years ago 0


I want to link trovo to my discord server, and be able to assign a subscriber role in discord to trovo subscribers. Do you know how I can do this?

Is it possible to create a command like "!link IDuserondiscord#0017" only for subscribers?

In this way, the trovo user and the discord user could be linked in the botisimo user list, and the discord role could be added or removed when they subscribe or the subscription expires.

Thanks a lot.


Queue and Betting

mib666007 3 years ago updated by Eric E. 3 years ago 1

A queue for users to submit levels, etc. to play for certain types of games. Ability to select those randomly.

Betting with customized payouts


Use your own API

John David Thompson 3 years ago updated by Support Team (Owner) 3 years ago 2

1. Create a subscription plan where you allow us to use our own API tokens. I am a Gsuite / Google Workspace / Google Developer Cloud subscriber and I have API tokens I could be using instead of using yours.

2. Create a subscription plan where you create a plugin for wordpress that allows me to insert the global stats / public page on my website.


TTS or a command voice on stream?

Wilmer Sarmiento 3 years ago updated by Eric E. 3 years ago 1

Hi, i have a command voice on my stream is called tts but i would like to have one with botisimo because is amazing and i just want to use this bot, it could me possible? anyone else want this? :) it would be nice! :D 


Live Trivia Game Shows and extra points for share

Khaled 3 years ago updated by Wilmer Sarmiento 3 years ago 1

its cool if there's a way to add Trivia live game

the question shows on stream with 4 answers throw 30sec and the viewers answer 1.2.3 or 4 in comment then shows who has correct answer and wrong and give them same points as loyality 

and if you can add extra points to each share of stream on facebook


Patreon Integration

Davicus 3 years ago 0

Adding Patreon integration would be nice, as most people who are multi-streaming are using Patreon as the base subscription service for their subs vs. each platform's specific sub service. It would be nice if Patreon pledge alerts were added to the overlay along with perhaps the ability for pledges to accrue loyalty points at a multiplied rate vs. non-pledges and things like this.


Trovo Mana and Elixer Alerts

binaryatlas 4 years ago updated by Support Team (Owner) 3 years ago 3

You have added trovo and have alert overlays but you are missing Elixer and mana donations.


delete users from leaderboard completely

Dartis_X-UI 4 years ago 0

i changed which server i use botisimo on this year, and there are users on the leaderboard that will no longer be using i

id love to not just *reset* their stats, but remove their presence completely


Timed enable/disable of chat commands and timers

RockNRollGeek 4 years ago 0


Proposed feature request: 

Timed enable/disable of chat commands and timers.

How it would work:

The idea would be that commands and timers would have an option to schedule how long they are enabled/are active for.

Potential use cases:

Say you have something going on in your stream, whether it be a timer to display information you only want to display during one stream / day, or perhaps a promo you have running for a certain week, or month, You'd be able to set a schedule for that command or timer to turn it off after 24 hours/only leave it enabled for 24 hours, or to set a timer'd ad or piece of info to only be able to be displayed in chat for the current week, or only the month of september, etc. Basically, if it's a command or timer that might be problematic if it ran for more than 24 hours, or a certain period of a few days, or a week or month, instead of you having to hope to remember to go in and manually disable it, you could set it up once and forget it, knowing it would disable itself when it needs to. And then if it's something you decide you may want to use again later down the line, you can simply go in and permanently enable it, or reschedule it for a new schedule. 


Integration with Streamloots

KrystalUncensored 4 years ago 0

In the chat you may be able to see who redeems a card and the text of the card, if someone has purchased or gifted a chest, and you may be able to react to certain cards with a command as well.