Welcome to the Botisimo feature request forum! Use this form to request features, upvote the ones you want the most, and we will make decisions based on the feedback and discussions you provide. Before requesting new features, be sure to search this forum and check out the official documentation at https://docs.botisimo.com in case the feature already exists.

Under Review

Cooldown for shop !buy

Loud_Lou 5 years ago updated by Elise A. 5 years ago 1

Some of the things im putting in the shop will deter the stream completely.  I've accounted for with it costing a bit however there are a few users who join a LOT. Ideally, I'd like to permit 1 buy per stream so if i could put a cooldown of like 8 hours per user for the !buy command that would be awesome!


Ability to Set Cost Options, Based on Individual Permissions, on Custom, Default, and Song Request Commands

gozen729 5 years ago 0

For custom and default commands, if cost options could be set for each individual permission level (moderator, subscriber, regular, and everyone/base) that would be nice.  The song request feature already as the ability to set a general cost for all permission levels, but not on an individual level basis. 

Thank you.


Ability to Configure More Default Command Settings

gozen729 5 years ago updated by headache_77 3 years ago 7

If possible, I would like the ability to have more configuration settings for the default (built-in) commands.

Currently we have the ability to set the minimum permissions, or the ability to disable the commands completely, for default commands.  In addition to this, other configurable options I would like to see for each default command would include:

  • Ability to select which platform the default commands will function on. (Twitch, Mixer, YouTube, Discord)
  • Ability to set/assign aliases to default commands.
  • Ability to show/hide default commands on the public command page. (Currently they are not visible on the public command page.)
  • Ability to set the option to match anywhere for default commands.
  • Ability to set the option to respond to a user with a whisper (direct message).  Currently if someone runs a command to check their currency amount, !currencyname, Botisimo responds to the user via a whisper/direct message on Twitch and Mixer, but on YouTube the receive a public response in the chat with their currency amount as YouTube does not support whispers/DMs.  I would like to set the currency check command to reply to users on all platforms in the public chat instead of via a whisper/DM.

Thank you.


Regulars List

TakenVaullt 5 years ago 0

If there's not a way already, it would be great if there was a way to view all of the regulars on one page. If possible, maybe even a way to add or remove regulars on one page as well as which platform he/she is a regular on (User 1 on Twitch, User 2 on Mixer, etc).


Expand Store

Game kNight Plays 5 years ago updated by Elise A. 5 years ago 3

I love the store - it enables us as streamers to give something back to our viewers.

The problem is, it is very limited at the moment, so I suggest these changes to the store:
* Allow us to set a custom !buy <item> command, instead of 1, 2 etc.

* Allow us to limit a reward to a certain amount

* Allow us to limit rewards to a certain type (eg. regulars/subs etc.)

* Allow us to allow custom text when people buy an item eg. !buy <item> <message>
* Allow us to attach an image to the store item

* Give us an overlay option, so we can show when something is bought in the store (displaying the image attached if any)
* I would like to be able to sort the purchases in the store

Thanks for reading - upvote!


spin the wheel

shawn butts 5 years ago 0

overlay that it controlled by the streamer and the chat

!spinthewheel by the streamer would initial at it

!spin by a chat member adds extends the spin by "1"

!breaks by a chat member shortens the spin by "1"

command names probably needs some work and/or need to be setable.  but i think you get the idea.


!question command

shawn butts 5 years ago updated by Elise A. 5 years ago 1

this would allow viewers to ask questions that would be added to a list


!questions what time is it?

the questions would be added a list the streamer could see and "check off" as they are answered.  bonus points for displaying the current question on an overlay


Make Botisimo a Moderator of multiple streams per channel

SuperAJ 5 years ago 0

Current limitation is for one stream per channel, I would love to see this expanded to allow for it to moderate multiple streams for channels - I'd like to see this for YouTube in particular. Added bonus, ability to manage which streams for it to moderate.


Repeated message spam filter

Elise A. 5 years ago 0

I want to be able to timeout users who post the same message repeatedly.


DYNEOPS in Portuguese.

Rodrigo 1 year ago updated by Eric E. 1 year ago 0

I want to request a translation of DYNEOPS into Portuguese.Captura de tela 2023-07-21 112652.png